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The world will never be the same again after you step into this strange and wonderful garden of thought. And when you look back on this experience many years later, even the things you didn't understand at the time have matured --Samuelson

Stata Export Word Tables

GPT Summary: This article introduces commonly used table output commands in economic empirical papers, including estout, asdoc, logout, outreg2, putdocx series, and etable. Each command has its features and applicable scenarios, such as estout for versatile custom effects and LaTeX output, asdoc for descriptive statistics, logout for diverse statistical result outputs, outreg2 for aesthetically pleasing regression result outputs, the putdocx series for exporting multiple tables into a single Word file, and etable, which supports Chinese encoding in Stata 17. Example codes demonstrate the basic usage and output effects of each command, helping readers select suitable commands for table outputs.